Wednesday, December 2, 2009


 Not really. Just a little fun piece. I photographed this guy/girl last September when tarantulas were "on the move."  (15" x 11")


Anonymous said...

Realistic enough to be creepy. A different subject matter for you. Your talent goes beyond landscapes.

rsheedy said...

Wait...that means you saw this IRL! Yikes!

Brent Perkins said...

Thanks, Jean. It was fun painting it.

Brent Perkins said...

Yeah, Rach, I not only photographed it, but I also edged it into a small toolbox and took it home for someone to see, someone who had never seen a live one. Not to worry, I took it back to the wilds and released it.

Melanie said...

I would have just let that "little" guy keep on moving. Very realistic, and scary.